15 July 2022

Planetary Wave

Oh great, well that's just grand, yet another new word for our CO2icide lexicon! Okay, planetary wave joins atmospheric lake, Blue jet lightning, Ghost forest 'Tree Farts', 'heat bombs', Abrupt stratocumulus cloud shattering, Space Hurricanes, Gigafire, Smokewaves, "Sulfuric-acid erosion", Zombie fires, Cloud Deck Evaporation, Large-scale adverse event, Concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity, Atmospheric river Storms, StormQuake, Flash Drought, Sudden Stratospheric Warming, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), Carbon bomb, Pyro Storms, sting jet, asperitas, Hyperactive hurricanes aka Hypercane, bomb cyclone, weather bomb etc in our pathetic attempts to describe what the disaster capitalists, the chaos bankers and all the corporate rent boys have given us, helter skelter weather and an untimely demise!


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  • Jon Wall Jul 15, 2022, 3:10 AM (3 years ago)

    Gravatar for Jon Wall

    First Post! Hi Dave.

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